"and the universe said i love you because you are love"

***“If you do not have the courage to be yourself, what will you be?”

pigion // xe/they/it/he // dec 13th, lvl 20
i do hoard flags
bisexual aromantic
north saami
anarcho-communist // anarcha-queer
sagittarius sun, aries moon, gemini rising
water horse
intp // 5w4
witch of seven years
polymorph theriomythic
interests include:
--Star Trek
--Doctor Who
--Avatar (James’ Cameron)
--Wings of Fire
--Dungeons n' Dragons
--World myth/religions
--Personality Typing

a sexual attraction to more then one gender

a romantic orientation that describes experiencing little to no romantic attraction to any genders

a gender identity or gender expression that differs from the sex that they were assigned at birth

an umbrella term for gender identities that are neither male nor female—identities that are outside the gender binary

a form of genderfluidity that does not encompass women-aligned, fiaspec genders, or anything similar

a gender where a male and agender identity are experienced simultaneously or with variation

Novarian (aka Solstellarian)
nonbinary people who are simultaneously male-aligned (solarian) and non-aligned or rejecting binary alignment (stellarian)

a nonbinary gender identity "that cannot be contained by human understandings of gender; more concerned with crafting other methods of gender categorization and hierarchy such as those relating to animals, plants, or other creatures/things." Xenogender isn't defined in relation to "female" or "male" (the binary genders), but by other kinds of ideas that most people don't think of as having to do with gender.aka, a xenogender is not a gender in the way of male/female/nonbinary, but instead a way to describe one's gender experience using nongender terms. typically used by neurodivergent people, people with synesthesia, etc.

A gender feels cryptic, unknown to others or unexplainable, feels dark, cool, and hidden while still being very present. Can get more intense based on weather, mood, or time of day

a coric xenogender related to mosscore, It is aesthetically based on things associated with mosscore, such as moss, mushrooms and nature.

aesthetigender related to dark rainy days, sitting inside a warm house, and watching rain on the window glass (quiet and calm)

a slightly neutral gender related to autumn, fallen leaves, oak trees, the smell of maples, rain, and/or the sun

a xenogender related to cottagecore

a slightly masculine gender that is related to crystals, ice, winter, and/or candles

a xenogender related to fairycore

a xenogender related to or influenced by forestcore,including the aesthetics of moss, mushrooms, dirt, trees, mud, sticks, deer, bears, raccoons, beetles, and dead leaves

a xenogender related to naturecore, an aesthetic relating to plants, wild animals, rivers, rainbows, flowers, and bugs

a xenic-alignment with rain, storms, and water

A nongendered demi xenic alignment. Based on the gemstone Onyx.

Elfengender, also called Elvengender or Elfgender, is a xenogender where one feels strongly connected to Elves of Folklore, mythology, fairytales, and fantasy. This can also be a kingender but does not have to be. One who is elfengender can be referred to as "Elfgirl," "Elfboy," "Elfby," or simply "Elf." Those who identify as elvengender may feel especially connected to nature (most notably wooded areas) and magical energy around them.

A gender which is reflected by dragons

A xenogender related to autumn, dragons, warmth or fire, cornfields, and jumping into a pile of colorful leaves

“Water runs if you try to grasp it, but pours onto an open hand.”
while i cannot control who does and doesn't look at, read, and interact with my page, please note I will give no tolerance towards:-- queerphobia
-- terfs, swerfs, radfems
-- truscums, transmeds, or other exclusionists
-- MAPS/NOMAPS, "zoosexuals", bestialists, etc
-- bigots, racists, islamophobes, antisemitics, misogynists, etc

“Earth my body, air my breath, fire my will, water my blood.”
my history
born and raised in an evangelical Christian cult by my father, i was forcibly withdrawn from it when my father abandoned me at the age of 12. finally without the abuse and brainwashing of my father, i was able to discover many things about myself that i would otherwise had been shamed and abused for.in 2016, i dedicated myself to the witch's path after learning about wicca through the therian community and have been practicing ever since. my witch-a-versary is every Ostara.
witch of seven years
indigenous pagan
north saami, norse, and uralic influences
polymorph theriomythic
my craft
chaos magick system
("results-based system", chaote)
grey witch with wiccan influences
animist and soft polytheist
shamanic // draconic path
elvish path
minor elements of demonolatry
minor elements of new age spirituality
chaos, draconic, storm, norse, green
tarot, oracle, pendulum, psychic, runes, auras, dream
spirit work
i work with several dragon spirits, first and foremost my mon-tey, an air dragon, and my draconic guardian, a water dragon.my matron is Madderakka.my totem is the pegasus, and my ancestral animal totem is the bear.i work with elves and fae.

“We are not here to reclaim a Faerie that once was, but to participate in a Faerie that ever is.”
i am a polymorph theriomythic and have been in the alterhuman community for eight years on and off. my theriomythicism comes from my past reincarnations across many species, dimensions, and astral planes.alongside calling myself a theriomythic, i also call myself more general terms therian, otherkin, and alterhuman also apply.i also use the terms starseed and indigo only for their definition of a soul who has reincarnated to use their spiritual gifts to help make the world a better place. i do not use it to describe the neo-nazi pseudoscience conspiracy theory of a galactic master race reincarnating to earth to help "elevate" it to a higher dimensional plane. i will tend to use the term galactic instead, however, i might use starseed or indigo.my alterhuman identity is very important to my spiritual and religious path.as a polymorph, my kintypes are a mixture of important past lives and frequent form shifts. you can read more here.i wrote an in-depth deep dive into my alterhuman identity that can be looked at here. There I talk about the nuances of the identity, the hows and whys of each identity, and details about how it affects me in my day-to-day including my spirituality.my alterhuman blog can be found here.

elf, dragon, galactic

coyote, kenai peninsula wolf, eurasian lynx,
mackenzie valley wolf
galatic origins (starseed)

sirius (elven), polaris, indigo
andromeda (fae), lyran (merfolk, feline)

toriel (undertale), hailstorm (wings of fire), sci-twi/twilight sparkle (mlp:fim)

grizzly bears, horses, ants,
jinx (arcane), loki (mcu), peko pekoyama (danganronpa)

“what is a friend but one soul dwelling in two bodies?"
using the concept of daemons and daemonism born from the his dark materials book series, i have a daemon (aka, a personified version of my subconscious) named akuno. while in many ways he is is own being, he is still a personification of my subconscious, meaning that while i do fall underneath the definition of being plural, i do not define myself as one nor call myself a system.
INTP, 5w4 583, ravenclaw, chaotic neutral, sanguine air/choleric fire, firebender, plague flight, dragon/dark typeakuno (he/him):
aries sun, capricorn moon, slytherdor, chaotic neutral, ground type

analytical form: marsh crocodilePTs: xNTP (Ne, Ti), 8/1?, Ravendor, True Neutral?

pullman form: lynxobservation, knowledge, ferocity, hunting, stealth, solitude, ambitious

pullman form: owlknowledge, occult, observant, messengers, the other world, guardian, honor, transformation

personal form: horseshoe crabWas a form he took in a dream and has enjoyed ever since. the only anatomical difference between himself and a normal horseshoe crab is that he has two mustache-like antenna.

personal form: squirrelidek why